People who found sucess getting rid of eczema using Zinc

zinc to treat eczema

In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of scientific research into the medical application of zinc and considerable work has been done on the relationship of zinc to various skin disorders. While I don’t know of any major studies showing that zinc either helps or doesn’t help eczema, many people have gone ahead and tried zinc supplements for their eczema. The average dose seems to be about 30 milligrams a day. Here are some of the experiences I heard about:

 “A few months ago my dry, itching, some facial skin sent me to a dermatologist. It did not take him long to tell me that the condition was eczema. He prescribed a medicated cream and charged me $25. But it didn’t help at all.

Then I heard all of the articles I had read about zinc and skin problems. I tried some zinc immediately (50 mg a day). Soon not one of those little blisters or pimples remained. I discontinued the medicated cream and still my complexion was clear. I did not run out of zinc, my problem was gone again. “ – XXX XXX

“For the past four months I have had eczema on my hands – itching, blistering and scaling. I tried many different remedies without success.

I began taking six zinc tablets a day along with Vitamin A. In one short week, I can type this letter without any soreness in my fingers. I have been able to discard my rubber gloves when doing housework. This has been the best Christmas gift for me” – XXXX XXXX

“The Mailbag in Prevention contained an item about using zinc to heal eczema. My wife had been suffering with eczema on her hands for a year, a bad case. Not one of several remedies helped at all.
Suffice it to say she took zinc as the letter suggested and the eczema cleared up dramatically in a week and was gone within the month. Amazing.” – XXX XXXX

“For many years I have had eczema on my hands. My condition became extremely aggravated during the time I was nursing my first baby. Although I tried various ways to treat my hands, nothing was really effective.

I began to take zinc, 50 mg., three times a day, Within a month my hands showed a remarkable improvement. I have continued to take the zinc. If I take less, my eczema reappears.” – XXXX XXX


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